Thanks for stumbling on my little corner of the universe. If you're into books, daydreaming, and trying to be a better human, I hope you'll nestle in and find a cozy space for yourself here.

Live with intention.
Someday soon, we'll take our last trip around the sun. The antidote to regret can be unrooted in a few simple and deeply challenging practices.
Give gentle attention to the present.
Reflect on the end of life.
And squeeze every last drop out of the spaces in between.
Stroll through and see why I have a personal Board of Advisors, join me in reflecting on 5 Important Things every month, and learn why Introspection is a joyful and necessary element of a purposeful life.

Forever is composed of nows.
Emily Dickinson
Read something lovely.
There are certain people who love books so much, they have forged an identity around being a reader. Their sense of being a person in this world is tenderly shaped by their first stories, by quirky turns of phrase, by new and gorgeous words. I suppose you could say I'm one of those people.
She reads books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live.
Annie Dillard
Connect with me.
I love to solo travel, make geeky graphs about books, listen deeply, curate beautiful journeys, and try to scratch out a few meaningful words here and there. In its own lovely ordinariness, this space is my way of turning on the lamps and throwing open the curtains at dusk to give you a glimpse inside. Come on in.
I am a part of all that I have met.
Alfred Lord Tennyson